Changing Perfectly

A Science Fiction Novel

Character Profiles

by Cindy_Doyle

Aleesia Hope Freeman

Name: Aleesia Hope Freeman     Age: Nineteen
Height: 5'8                    Eyes: Grey
Hair: Mousse Brown             Skin: Olive  
Dominant Personality Trait: committed and persisent in her beliefs 
Major Flaw: Easily provoked, suffers from poor emotional control

Aleesia Freeman, the stories protagonist, is six months away from her full dedication service to her country, and being promised to not only her future husband, but permanent carreer and life objectives she is to complete. Although she is far from a trouble maker, Aleesia see's potential in everything she see's and has to fight her inner instinct at every turn to stop the intervention that burns in her. She envisions herself one day being able to lead people to a true happiness as she can see that the perfection that has been created around her might not be so perfect. She hopes to one day, make a finaly change that will be the most perfect change of them all, a change for freedom instead of control. 
As a house maid in one of the most important politions houses in the sector, Aleesia has picked up many skills, especially as the Lady of the house has her as one of her favourite servants. Aleesia knows she is destined for a life as a maid, cooking cleaning and organizing were her traineeships, however she still battles te feelings that there is more there for her than what has been merily assigned to her. 
Aleesia refuses to partake in trait trading and regularly dontates her extra grading points to her younger half-sister, Mary-belle of whom she is most fond of. She lives along with her younger sister, with her single mother and older brother Olvier though he is rarely ever home. Her father, Harrison Forder, was from a seperate sector and the relationship between him and her mother was wrong, illegal and Harrison has since been 'taken care of.' 
She is a strong young woman with much potential, though little guidance to help her channel that correcly. Or maybe she has it all wrong? Maybe their world is perfect and she is the sepc of inperfection.