Changing Perfectly

A Science Fiction Novel

Character Profiles

by Cindy_Doyle

Rucie DeLeviour

Name: Rucie DeLeviour     Age: Twenty
Height: 5'10                     Eyes: Green
Hair: strawberry blonde                     Skin: Pale  
Dominant Personality Trait: loving and open minded to new ideas
Major Flaw: Doesn't know the difference between saying too little and saying too much, a queen gossiper. 


Rucie is the head maid in the governors household and personal assistant to the Governors wife. She is also the very dear friend and mentor of Aleesia. Her role though not major, is significant in showing the differences in scale of classes and how people are generally happy with where they are. Although she never attempts to stop Aleesia from her insane plans to become part of the leading fellowship, she does express her concern and confusion towards what she is planning to do. 
All Rucie wants most is for the people she cares about to be happy and devotes herself to a life of service to her friends and to her lord and lady of the house. Rucie has no drastic character changes throughout the story, though we do see her slowly become more comfortable with who she is without having to constantly change to be something better.