Changing Perfectly

A Science Fiction Novel

Character Profiles

by Cindy_Doyle

Lokyle-Reece Rashkov

Name: Lokyle-Reece Rashkov    Age: Twenty One
Height: 6'2                                Eyes: blue
Hair: dark brown                       Skin: tan  
Dominant Personality Trait: laid back and level headed, gets along with everyone 
Major Flaw: lets his arrogance get in the way of doing something properly. 

Lokyle or "Lokki" as his friends refer to him is a kind young man with a gentle heart though he really pays little attention to the politics or the worls around him. He is a classic example of a typical citizen who has learned to trust the system and similar to a sheep, follows the crowd. He is charming, witty and also the son of the Governorof whom is Aleesia's boss. Lokki finds Aleesia both beautiful and charming as well as infuriating and impossible to uinderstand as she seeks something outside their little safe bubble. He beleives whole heartedly in their perfect society and will one day himself become one of the head leaders of the new countries. 
Lokyle has no other siblings and was raised by his father, his mother having barely anything to do in his life as she preocupoies herself with charity work for those not 'rescued' and in the security of the civilization in Edan.
Lokyle often changes his style of clothing and his looks though tends to leave his personality traits alone, in general he's pretty happy with the person he is.
He likes to live up the good life and is always socialising with other people from high connections, his reputation of arrogant and self absorbed maintained by his consistent personal pampering. He is admired by many and also happens to fall under the trap of Aleesia's plan as she plots to use him as a route into her role in leadership by using him as a puppet. His curiosity wins and and he allows her to do this, though not without several winges about why it be necessary at all to change the way things are when perfection has already been achieved.
Throughout the novel Lokyle's personality willl grow and develop naturally as he becomes more serious and mature about the way he handles his life and the job soon to be issued to him. Is the way he is living really as perfect as he is sure it is?