
LifeStyle Design Coaching

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Personal Development and Optimization

By Life Style Design Coach Jean-Anne Alexander


What do you really want? Have you ever honestly asked yourself this question? Most people know exactly what they don’t want, but they don’t know or don’t articulate what they really want. Precisely. How can you get what you want when you don’t even know what that is? Let us find out in case you are not aware of it yet.

You might be in a life phase where you are:

  • Frustrated about your social- economic- career- educational, or health status.
  • After Divorce, loss of loved ones, dramatic life changing events, job loss or just retired.
  • Following the urge to be BETTER and step up , but not knowing where to step into.
  • Looking for a modern life school.
  • Looking for a specific guideline for Happiness, Life quality, Health and the skills to become your own life style designer.
  • Learn the art to see importance.
  • Unhappy with your current eating habit
  • Mentally blocked or not getting out of your own skin
  • Spiritually ready for the next level
  • Too much depending on Pills for minor uneasiness.
  • Looking for alternatives for your life design.
  • You want to rediscover, reconnect with, or new create your personality.


The Workshop

In my workshops I use the methodology of Socrates to create dialogues by starting the discussion asking the “why” question. In group conversations and listening to different personalities you find out your TRUE YOU!

After finding out your talent I coach you to repeat the things you are good in. In the workshops you find your own way to structure your life with tools that fits your personal path. Another part of the curriculum is “How to learn “Positive Thinking” and NLP Techniques. For balancing the body – mind and soul adventure, we discover solutions.

To live a Healthy Lifestyle we start working on shifting the mindset, e.g. to “Herbs instead of Pills”, I share with you the methodology of staying healthy with an herbal apothecary.


The Arts & Beach Tours

I was asked if my tours are a retreat. The 2-4 day trips are not a retreat where you usually try to get away from something; this is a PRO Treat©, where you find what you didn’t know you have it. We are working towards your goal, your self-esteem and consciousness, and use what is already in existence in you. This tour helps to understand that you are not locked in or prisoner of your brain, your body or your situation. I call it Ego Mobility©. You can be whoever and whatever you want. It’s all in YOU, it’s in your mind. I show you!



The Coaching


The one on one coaching is an intensive extension of the above elements and part of the

“LifeStyle Design Program”. 4-5 times a month we focus on your personal development in 6 phases, where at the end of the program you, the coachee is clear on the idea to enter the next life segment in the approached field of change. Coaching is like an adventure trip, you look for India, and you might find America.

The coach sessions require as well some homework. I focus only on the positive turning points. My methodology is to push the positive, not to polish the negative.



All 55 + EXPO Attendees, please call for a FREE MeVALUATION© Session       1877 225 1177

MeVALUATION© 1Session 1 ½   hours                                                                           $ 249.00

What is my value, where do I find it and how. And then what?

Tips how to move on.

Will be deducted by establishing a coach/coachee relationship

Coaching Session a’ 60 min                                                                                              $ 149.00

8-12 sessions over 3 months are recommended to see         12 session package                $ 1490.00                                              best results and positive changes

The Arts & Beach Tours 3 and 4 days                                                                              $ 469, -  $ 689,-

Coachee’s who attend the Bus tours will get a       25% discount

6 hours Workshop                                              

  • MeVALUATION, Inspirational Group Coaching                                                                  $ 449.00                             
  • How to learn about and apply Social – Emotional and Somatic Intelligent                          $ 649.00                             
  • NLP Introduction series1-3                                                                                                $ 649.00                             
  • NLP practical advanced guidance series 4-8                                                                     $ 649.00














Life Style Design COACHING                   produced by                             STEP UPCommunications

Phone 469 952 8477                           Henderson, NV 8907



                                              POWER IS THE CAUSE OF MOVEMENT StepUp