Aakash Thorat

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  • Shorty

    Sunday, January 8, 2017 5:32:59 PM

    Way to go on this esysa, helped a ton.
  • Hi,I purchased a Groupon in September that is for a 90 minute deep tissue massage. I didn’t realize at the time of purchase that it was “deep tissue”. This is a gift for my mom and I am hoping she will be able to get more of a relaxation massage rather than the deep tissue. Is this possible or will she need to have a deep tissue massage? Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you.Lora
  • Köszönöm, hogy jellemezted magad!:) Zoltán vitte itt el a fonalat, mert nem szavakban, hanem kerek mondatokban illett volna, ahogyan Magdalena..., DE mivel ma olyan bódult, bolondos, szerelmetes napom volt, én megvárom, hogy kibÅ‘vítsd, még akkor is, ha 1001 évig kell várnom rá! Részletek a blogomban.:)Zolinak küldöm a népdalt: Szerelem, szerelem, átkozott gyötrelem. Mér' nem virágoztál minden falevelen???
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    Monday, January 9, 2017 10:14:53 AM

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    Monday, January 9, 2017 1:11:00 PM

    I think you’re playing this all wrong. You can get more and better presents if merely threaten to post these to Facebook.As in, “you better up your game at Christmas time, Granny, or I tell everyone that last shot was you putting your teeth back in after biting your fork too hard.”
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  • aakash thorat

    Thursday, October 19, 2017 8:39:26 PM

    Mysafemedia Aakash throat


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